I have teams of suppliers, insiders, researchers, professors and analysts in 19 of the top 20 markets in the world - they are working around the clock to find and bring to me the best deals in the world...

For the right person, I want to use deals like this to regularly flood your bank account with $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 or more:

Some examples...

A $100,000 home that you get for $60,000 - $70,000

An apartment building nets you $3,000 every month - and you walk away with $31,000 when you close

A full-running business (like a Subway) that brings (NETS) you five to ten thousand a month.

You CAN buy homes, businesses and other assets at huge discounts and build an veritable Empire - if you do it the right way - we all know the deals are out there, but how the hell can you get your hands on them?

(Here's the catch...)
Prove To Me That You're Not Some Tire Kicking, Let-Me-Waste-Your-Time-Make-You-Play-Phone-Tag-With-Me-And-Piss-Everybody-Off-With-My-Indecision-And-Laziness Joker. And Instead Prove That You Are: Reliable, Loyal And Heart-Attack-Serious About Actually Doing Deals And Acquiring Assets.


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From: The Desk of Azam Meo
Tuesday, October 07, 2008Thursday, September 18, 2008 Thursday, August 07, 2008 Tuesday, August 05, 2008
RE: Getting On My VIP List

If you have money and/or good credit and you want your money to make you money - then you are going to love what you're going to learn about - and these are easily among the most important words you'll ever read.

Let me start with a story that you might find interesting, it is how I met, learned from and later worked with one of the richest men in the world.

Years ago when I was selling door-to-door I always had my mind fixed on 'getting rich'.  I didn't really have a number in mind, or even a specific income, I just knew I want to make more money.

I did everything I could possibly do get around people with money because I wanted to learn everything I could from them.  I went to expensive, gated neighborhoods, country clubs, high end golf resorts, exotic car dealerships, luncheons, fancy restaurants, etc.

Anytime I drove or walked by a place with a collection of nice cars, I would be sure to stop immediately and walk in as if I belonged.  I would get out of my car at red lights and walk up to a Ferrari or a Mercedes S-Class and start grilling the driver.

I had no ego.

I wanted to learn to be rich.

Some would say that attitude worked out for me, I would've agreed when...

The Impossible Happened

I met Herb Simon.

I had just read an article about him and his brother Mel, they owned shopping malls across America and they were worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Even better, they started and were still in Indianapolis.

I put on my game face and decided to do whatever I had to to meet him.  By the way, both Herb and his brother Mel are now billionaires - yes that is with a 'B', a capital one.

To my shock, not only did Herb agree to meet with me, but he actually talked to me.  I mean really talked to me.  Without looking at his watch, without asking me why I was so rude to the receptionists, or even asking what the HELL I was thinking trying to walk-in and approach him with no appointment or even a vague idea of what we were going to talk about.

It was nice.

I realized two things that day one; if you are persistent and serious enough you can get to anybody - anybody and two; most rich people, and I mean really rich people, will openly share their secrets with you - if you just ask.

Azam, I just want you to send me some killer deals, why are you telling me this?

Because you need to know and realize the value in getting deals, I am always amazed when some knucklehead will email or call - without having proving themselves to us as a serious player - expecting to be taken serious.

They don't understand this, and unless you do, we won't be working together.

You are about to hear what one of the richest men in the world told me when I asked him the following question:

'What is the biggest secret to getting rich?'

He told me something so insightfully simple that I thought he was joking, I really didn't understand (at the time) how that was either a secret or profitable.  But now, after thousands or tens of thousands of conversations with both players and wannabes, I can confidently say that 'I get it'.

I think I do, at least.

Herb, if you are reading please let me know if I understood you correctly.

Here is exactly what he said to me, he said that I needed to realize...

'In this world there is never a shortage of money
but always a shortage of good places to put it,
finding these places will forever be one of the
toughest things anybody will ever try and do...'

- Billionaire Herb Simon

Lucky for you I have invested quite a bit of time and energy for the last 10+ years in being able to find these 'good places' to put money in AKA investments.

Now, for the right type of person - and nobody else - you may be able to benefit from my labor and endless efforts.

Below is a VIP Profile that you can use, but before you do that you should understand these five things.

Here Is How This Works...
Make Sure You 'Get This' Okay?

1.  You Submit Your VIP Profile And Wait For Approval.
It will normally take about 19-38 hours for you Profile to be submitted, reviewed and for you to be contacted back for a confirmation.  At that point you'll find out for sure if the status of the approval process.  I have this put in place because I really want to get to know the people we are working with.  For more details see the FAQ section below.

2.  Once Approved You'll Get Alerts On Deals - For Immediate Action.
If you are not wanting to move on deals immediately, this isn't for you.  Our VIP List is only for folks who want to move on deals in the next few days or even hours.  Depending on your situation, what makes the most for you and our waiting list you should be getting alerts about once a week.  These Alerts will give you an overview of the deal in question, these deals are either our in-house deals or they've come from a Supplier.  Once you see a deal you want to move, the Reserve Requirement must be met.

3.  Meeting The Reserve Requirement (RR).
The Reserve Requirement (RR) is money that must be submitted/deposited/wired before any information or details on a particular are disclosed.  So when you see a deal that you absolutely want, you'll see the RR number and these funds must be either wired into the designated bank account or a money order is over-nighted to secure - or 'Reserve' - the deal for you.  The RR for American real estate is normally $5k - $50k and for overseas deals or IPOs it is normally $100k - $500k.  This RR Policy is as a protection to you, any potential Suppliers and us as well.  Please keep in mind that we get hundreds of emails/voicemails/faxes every single day (even on Holidays) from folks across the world claiming they are 'serious, and ready to get started' using the RR is a great filtering tool for us.  I know this may seem unorthodox to some, but I started doing this several years ago to ensure I only worked with the most serious folks, and it turned out so well this is only we way operate.  After the RR is met you'll be sent a Disclosure Package within 19-38 hours.

4.  The Disclosure Package (DP).
This package is only sent after the RR is met, and it will detail the exact specifics of the deal.  This will include the address, comps, repairs, market analytics, historical date for industry/area, relating news/developments, third party unbiased and objective contacts and experts to confirm information with, etc.  The research and time alone take with each DP is exhaustive and meant to give you every conceivably relevant piece of data to determine that deal's validity.  If the deal we have has come from a Supplier, and from in-house, you should know that not all Suppliers are created equal - so we work directly with you in confirming the DP data.

5.  The Evaluation Deadline (ED).
After you have the DP all the numbers, metrics, data, information, etc. need to be confirmed.  We work with you on this, because like I said the numbers may very well be off as we don't always know how reliable the Supplier is - especially if we are testing them and the relationship is is somewhat new - this is also why whether the Supplier is an agent, investor, bank or anybody, I'll make sure that you know what I know about them.  At any rate, the Evaluation Deadline (ED) is normally three to five calendar NOT business days.  This is the time that you and my team will spend to make sure that this deal is a 'go'.  If it is determined that the deal is a no-go, then your RR will be returned immediately.  If they deal falls apart because of the actual deal and the numbers not holding up (not likely) we'll make it up to you on the next deal - but if you back out for personal reasons, or indecisiveness, your RR will be returned in full and you will be removed from the VIP List permanently.  Again, I only want to work with serious people - not tire kickers.  The 'decision' or conclusion on the deal must be reached within the ED, normally 3 -5 calendar days, if not then $1,000 or up to half of the RR is charged/deducted from the RR and the rest returned to you.  We maintain close contact during the ED, so this is never a problem as long you take this serious.

So That's It...
Does That All Make Sense?

I hope so, now before we get to profile here are some FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions that may help answer any remaining questions or items that you have, if you still have unanswered question please let me know and I'll make sure you get an answer.  Please make sure you understand everything before moving forward.

Q: How much does it cost to be on your VIP List?

A: In the past I have charged clients for preferred access to deals and alerts, depending on the type of deal how early they were being notified this fee has been as high as tens of thousands of dollars - and that was just to be able to hear about a deal.  But as of right now, for this program and the current testing, I am not charging to be a part of this, but you must be serious and follow through or you will be removed..

Q: Why do I have to 'Submit' a profile, can you just send me some deals and I'll get back to you?

A: A long time ago I used to do that, but as I got to know some folks I, to be honest, liked them more than others.  I work harder, negotiate better and in general over perform them.  This wasn't just because I liked them, but because I got to know them and I really wanted to work with them versus ungrateful wannabes who asked redundant and stupid questions before inevitably deciding to do little more than irritate me and my team.  Later I realized that I could build a network working with only people that I wanted to help, work and grow with.  The Profile is our way to start our relationship, find out your priorities and begin the process of becoming lifetime friends.  At least that is my hope, some morons will go through this process, but I've gotten pretty good at filtering them out.

Q: What if the deals I get from you aren't in my area, will I still risk being labeled a 'joker' and removed from the VIP List because I'm not jumping on them?

A: Probably... just joking.  If you are loyal to your area (I suggest broadening your criteria) then I'll see what we can do for you in that area, it is rare that there is any area in the world where we aren't able to get you the best deals available - but if that happens and you aren't getting 'your area' deals AND you don't revise your criteria you won't be punished for that.  We'll find something to work on together and for you to make money with, but you will never pushed or shoved into anything.

Q: I have friends and associates that I would like to refer to you, can I make money doing that?

A: Sure, in fact many folks make their entire living by sending us resources and players.  The details often vary since the numbers on the deals are different, but it is quite often that you can make tens of thousands of dollars by connecting us with the right person/deal, just let me know what you in mind and we can from there.

Q: What if I have deals that I want you to buy, or sell for me?  Maybe a business for sale, raising money for my business, etc. how can I get your help on something like that?

A: When it comes to raising money, or sending us deals, if you want to do this regularly you want to become a Registered Supplier so that you have a handler, a process and your funds wired from me into your account.  There is a similar Profile that you can use to start that process, however if you just have a sporadic deal or unique situation where and you don't plan on coming across these deals regularly - then we can work out a one-time arrangement that works for everybody.  Just let me know your details and we can from there.

Q: I don't understand the Reserve Requirement, why not just send me the deal and if I like it I'll make sure you get paid, why would I wire money into your account before even knowing anything about the deal?  How does this protect me?

A: Again, this policy is in place for several reasons.  A big reason is that it helps me filter the talkers from the doers.  Please understand, that we get several hundred and up to thousands of people every single week being added to my system, so I have to some way to tell you is actually going to follow through and not waste our time.  And, to be really simple and honest, there are really only two reasons the RR would be a problem ONE - you don't have the money and TWO - you don't trust me.  In either case, you'll have to solve the problem/s before we work together anyway.

Your last question about protecting can be explained best with an example.  Let's say that a Supplier sends us a deal, or even if we find it in-house, and the numbers you get are way off and the deal is a terrible idea.  This would mean the numbers that I got were off as well, because you got the details and numbers based on what I got.  So now, in the best case scenario you and I dealing with people that are incompetent at best and dishonest or even criminal at worst.  If you had done the typical 'earnest money approach' now your money is in their hands and they have to sign-off for you to get your funds back - you have to ask yourself whether or not you really want people like that in control of your money.  With the RR the funds are in a private account that we use, so the only signing-off that needs to be done is by me.  This again brings up the two items, you won't wire money into this account because you either don't have the money - or you don't trust me.

Q: What about Zero Down Deals, or No-Qual Deals, if I am getting 100% financing does the RR apply?  What if I have good credit but no money?

A: It depends on the situation, but there will almost always be a RR required for a deal.  Somtimes it will be returned to you at closing from funds, sometime it will be returned and then some and other times the RR is for the deal itself so although it may be a No-Qual or No-Banks deal you will still be using funds for the deal.  If you have good credit but nearly no money, then we still may be able to work something out through a refi, a line of credit or a loan of some sort.  But, in general, if you don't have money and are ready to go right now, then the VIP List is probably not for you.

Q: How is the deed transferred on no-qual dealsl, or any of the deals that I'll be doing?

A: This really depends on the deal, the structuring, your credit, the financing, the equity, etc.  So it is hard for me to give you a static answer on this, but whenever you hear about a deal you'll know how the ownership will take place on that particular deal.  If you have ever any questions you can ask me or your Handler and we'll be sure to take care of it.

Q: I came across some of your deals on your main site, eBay, the radio, the T.V., etc. are there other 'VIP Lists' that you work with?

A: This is a good question, sometimes a deal elsewhere may seem really attractive, and the deals you are working with may not seem as 'good'.  This may come about for several reasons, but many times I market homes through auctions and the pricing/details reflect the procedure.  Usually when it is said and done the price or the 'goodness' of the deals are generally the same.  Also, many times an AP will acquire a group of properties and get a discount, so if we market the property we move the 'bulk' to see what kind of back up offers we are going to get.  Also, the VIP List is prioritized by a variety of factors, but usually revolving around the money a client has and how much more money I can make them.  If there is a large disparity they will usually get more (not better) deals than you.  This is why it is important to be thorough, honest and serious about this process so that I can prioritize making you money better.

Q: Why do you have a Reserve Requirement (RR) in place, I thought only Fortune 500 companies could do that?

A: A long time ago I used to do that, but as I got to know some folks I, to be honest, liked them more than others.  I work harder, negotiate better and in general over perform them.  This wasn't just because I liked them, but because I got to know them and I really wanted to work with them versus ungrateful wannabes who asked redundant and stupid questions before inevitably deciding to do little more than irritate me and my team.  Later I realized that I could build a network working with only people that I wanted to help, work and grow with.  The Profile is our way to start our relationship, find out your priorities and begin the process of becoming lifetime friends.  At least that is my hope, some morons will go through this process, but I've gotten pretty good at filtering them out.

Q: How is the deed transferred on no-qual dealsl, or any of the deals that I'll be doing?

A: This really depends on the deal, the structuring, your credit, the financing, the equity, etc.  So it is hard for me to give you a static answer on this, but whenever you hear about a deal you'll know how the ownership will take place on that particular deal.  If you have ever any questions you can ask me or your Handler and we'll be sure to take care of it.

Q: How much of the RR will be applied to my down payment, closing costs, repairs, etc.?

A: The RR (Reserve Requirement) will almost never be used towards closing costs, repairs, down payments, etc.  These are typically the funds used to Reserve the deal/asset itself and not to acquire it.  So the funds to close, inspect, get financed, etc. are aside from the RR.  These these funds are generally used to handle the research, Supplier, DP time, etc. and often a portion is our profit.  Generally our profit will also come from other aspects of the deal like the financing, the back end, a potential end-user buyer we have introduced to the Asset, etc.  This is all outlined in our DP and Disclosure Forms.

Q: I came across some of your deals on your main site, eBay, the radio, the T.V., etc. are there other 'VIP Lists' that you work with?

A: This is a good question, sometimes a deal elsewhere may seem really attractive, and the deals you are working with may not seem as 'good'.  This may come about for several reasons, but many times I market homes through auctions and the pricing/details reflect the procedure.  Usually when it is said and done the price or the 'goodness' of the deals are generally the same.  Also, many times an AP will acquire a group of properties and get a discount, so if we market the property we move the 'bulk' to see what kind of back up offers we are going to get.  Also, the VIP List is prioritized by a variety of factors, but usually revolving around the money a client has and how much more money I can make them.  If there is a large disparity they will usually get more (not better) deals than you.  This is why it is important to be thorough, honest and serious about this process so that I can prioritize making you money better.

Just to be clear...

There are many reasons for the RR, but here are three big ones

First of all - I don't want 371 so-called 'investors' showing up at deals wasting time and making me look incompetent.  Thousands or hundreds of thousand of people get my alerts.  If I included the actual addresses, I'd have at least a few hundred jokers and knuckleheads peeking through windows, knocking on doors, interrogating neighbors, asking stupid questions, etc.  Now how do you think the owner or my other partners would feel about that?

They only want one person around - the guy/gal that closes.  Not some hi-I-just-left-a-seminar-and-I'm-ready-practice-on-you joker.  They come to me to get deals done, not for amateurs and wannabes to play 20 questions.  So the first person to meet the RR, gets these details - it is a great way to prove that you serious, a great qualifier.

Secondly - You have to move fast, very fast.  Many of the best deals I get come to me for one reason; I get them done with lightning speed - in hours for most cases.  Most would say I'm a nice guy, fun to be around, great to work with, etc. but I don't kid myself the main reason they come to me again and again is because of what I can do for them.  The second that I under-perform I have lost years invested into building that relationship.  So even if I count on just ONE person to close, and I have promised a Supplier/Seller that it'll happen - and I get let down, I have hell to pay. I need to move fast, and if you want to work together - so do you.

Thirdly - I spend a fortune on research and development.  I had one point I had over 20 full time employees doing nothing but research and data analysis.  If you have worked with me or Meo Method material then you know how important research is and why I suggest you spend a great deal involved in research.  With the deals we research there is an enormous amount of research that goes into any given deal, and many times discounts and specials are handed right to our VIP Clients, these are specials I am able to get in exchange for future business.  This research is costly to me, priceless to you and truly unheard of and exclusive to me, my team and you as our Acquiring Party.  Each VIP Client has an assigned Handler that works directly with you, understands what you are looking for and keeps in regular in contact with you with personalized alerts that fit your criteria best.  We expect to get paid for this, and our profit is usually a portion of the RR, the RR itself or a the RR and another portion of the deal as well.  So, again, the RR is used to filter out ingrate, non-serious investors and thin the herd to get to the most lucrative long-term relationships we can.

That Should Do It... Right?

You should be very clear about this process by now.

The next step is to go through a VIP Profile so that we can get in our records, confirm this with you, and help you get some deals.  Please take this seriously, and try and realize that people with money or 'takers' come a dime a dozen so if you don't take this serious or give any hints that you are going to be trouble - you are wasting your time.

Also, please disprove the embarrassing adult literacy studies and prove that you can read and follow directions by going over these terms and understanding exactly how this works.

Okay, with that said here's the profile, if you would prefer to print this out and fax it see below.  You'll hear back from one of my hand-picked Handlers usually in less than 19 - 38 hours.

Great, then let's get started...

Below is the profile, you can also call or email after you have sent it in to make sure there are no problems.

Please make sure you have read the terms and policies and you are completely clear on how this all works, otherwise you are wasting your time.  But I know that you are probably sick of my filtering the losers (since you aren't one) and are just ready to get started.

So let's do it.

I look forward to working with you.

Profile Below: 

  Your VIP Profile
(Please note that all fields are required, any signs of difficulty, stupidity or 'jokerness' and your Profile will be discarded, sorry but we only want the best... after you are done you can give a quick call to confirm receipt: 317-216-4552 anytime 24 hours.)


First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
State Or Province:

Phone number that you are most likely to answer:

Backup number just in case:

The best number to leave you messages:

How did you hear about me/us:

Where would you prefer to do deals:

Your current experience in 'doing deals':

Your credit:

How do you plan on purchasing deals:

Are you completely clear on how the Reserve Requirement works (wire transfer or money order):

Your cash on hand (in USD) to meet the RR:

What type of deals excite you the most:

What price range do you want to start with:

How soon do you want to get started:

To help me get to know you better, please tell us a little about yourself:



Thanks Again, And Remember...

You can give us a quick call after you sent this in - 317-216-4552 or Stephanie's direct line (she works with many Suppliers and APs as your Handler) at 323-988-0928.

Unless we are swamped, which happens during promotions or during high-traffic times, you should hear back from your Handler almost immediately.

Thanks again, and I really looking forward to working with you.

Take care now,

- Azam

MoonMover Empire
Phone: 317-216-4552
: faq (at) AzamMeo (dot) com
Fax: 317-569-8541

Copyright 2008 - MoonMover Empire